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Playing with Fire 2 Game

  • ਇਸ਼ਤਿਹਾਰ

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Playing with Fire 2 game

Select the number of players and level to start the game. Blow up your opponents using bombs before they manage to kill you. Destroy blocks to leave behind power-ups which will give you special abilities when picked up. Each player has three lives so they will need to be killed three times to be eliminated. There is a 3-minute time limit in place. If you win a game, you will score the number of seconds remaining on the timer multiplied by 250, times the number of opponents in the game. Losing a game will result in that amount of points being subtracted from your score

ਸਾਡੇ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜਨ ਲਈ

ਗੇਮ ਜੋ ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ ਤੁਹਾਨੂ ਪਸ਼ਦ

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